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Our stand-alone articles (as seen in projects 3 and 4) lay claim to the same high standards as mentioned above and have fascinated readers and attracted a number of inquiries regarding further materials for topics and successful sales.
Public Relations Magazine

1. LF: Life, Forward to the Future (Daikyo Group)
Creative Director/Editor-in-Chief
ecFuture was commissioned to redesign Daikyo Kanri Incorporated's PR magazine Lions' Family on the occasion of the publication's new status as the official PR magazine of Daikyo Group. We approached the project by suggestions covering on page layout, a new name, and other design aspects. As an indicator of reader response, the number of questionnaires returned from readers more than tripled within one year of the magazine's renewal and has maintained this number since. The highest readership retained was for the feature issue, for which favorability ratings exceeded 80%. ‘07-present (circulation: 374,000 copies)
Article Selection
Tradition Inns That Bring Out the Best in Each Other
-Born and raised in traditional inns, family heirs to fine traditions,
-These young landlords and landladies are veterans of overseas travel and hotel hospitality;
-They are the new, contemporary inheritors of their respective establishments.
-Through visiting each other's inns, they help to bring out the best of Japanese hospitality. -Hiroshima/Sekitei, Kyoto/Kanamean Nishitomiya ★★, Shizuoka/Asaba.

 A personal journey of rich autumn colors.
 ★★ Michelin Guide Kyoto Rating
Career Dogs (Guide Dogs)
Cherry Tree Conservation Society in Izu

2. Housing & Living (Daiichi Kangyo Bank Housing Center)
Creative Director/Editor-in-Chief
As the title suggests, this is a PR magazine dedicated to housing and living interests. Following plans for a renewal of predecessor publication Iezukuri (tr. Building Homes) by previous employer and advertising production firm Les Mains, suggestions were proposed covering page layout, a new magazine name, and other design aspects. I played a role in the planning and creation of this project as Creative Director and Editor-in-Chief. During the less than four years of involvement with this project, the number of copies in distribution increased from 64,000 (in 1993) to 117,000 (in 1996). ‘93-96

3. Tabisuru Ibukuro (tr. Culinary Adventures) for in-flight magazine Wingspan
Tabisuru Ibukuro (tr. Culinary Adventures) was a running publication featuring articles on full-throttle culinary travel experiences where the writers would experiment with trying various local specialties throughout Japan, which were then written up as articles for the magazine. ‘95-96
Tabisuru Ibukuro excerpts
Milk Lamb / Yagishiri Island, Hokkaido | Aug.
A quarter of a century spent pouring one's heart and soul into living alongside and raising a flock of sheep conquering fierce gales, high salinity, mountainous terrain and other harsh conditions. The unparalleled quality of this lamb meat is highly regarded by chefs of French cuisine in Ginza, Tokyo as being as "perfectly flawless" as even France's renowned pré-salé. We report on the challenges and hardships undergone to supply this meat by one Mr. Oi.
The meat is then grilled over a red roaring woodfire.
After a gentle roasting, the lamb is then ready for the feasting. I sink my teeth into the flesh and the meat juices overflow, thick with the aroma of blood and sheep's milk. I ask for another serving and then another and another still. As we enjoy our meal, the innocent face of the lamb enters my mind.
Terribly sorry, old chap. But you are absolutely delicious. These chopsticks simply couldn't help themselves. You forgive me, don't you?
April: Agu (pork)/Okinawa
May: Croissant/Tokyo
June: Conger Eel/Hiroshima
July: Soft Roe/Kanagawa
August: Milk Rum/Hokkaido
September: Konjac
October: Rice & Vegetables/Miyagi
November: Horsemeat/Kumamoto
December: Globefish/Shizuoka
January: Soba Noodles/Nagano
February: Oysters/Mie
March: Ishiri (squid sauce)/Ishikawa
Circulation: 840,000 | Monthly Publication


4. The Long-Time Bestseller for the Weekly Post
Gathers stories and reports on various high-quality items created both domestically and abroad. The articles contain the background history and a great variety of narratives behind these products, including not only the concepts behind and functions of these items but also the philosophy of their makers and presentday owners, the images and tales of hardship undertaken by the artisans who toiled away in order to create them, the customs and surroundings of the items themselves, and the influences they have had on people since then. ‘94-95. Circulation at time of publishing: approximately 800,000-900,000 copies.

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